Assessment and Rehabilitation Centre, Sheffield

Interrupting the Flow responds to the work of moving and handling the residual ‘body’ of work as I transfer it out of the studio and resituate it in the place from where I had observed for one hour a week over twelve weeks at a regular time and in a regular place. (See ‘TWELVE WEEKS: TWELVE HOURS + TWELVE HOURS +' for more details of this project).

The title references the idea of an interruption to the flow of usual processes and routines; whether through an interruption to blood flow as with a stroke, my observational presence in the organisation, or an interruption that opens a space to see something differently.

Bringing aspects of my experience and understanding into the stroke rehabilitation service in the form of the ‘object-body-thing’, I interrupt the usual flow of things by introducing something strange and unfamiliar into the setting. I then invite staff, patients, and relatives, to respond to its presence – anonymously, or through conversation (recorded with consent), both on the day and during a subsequent focus group with staff.

Through receiving the work, they become participants in the ‘remaking’ process; unpicking threads in an attempt to understand it more fully, and weaving their own in response, whether through interest and engagement, indifference, dismissal, or devaluation.